Table of Contents
How To Lead By Example & Embrace Authentic Leadership?
It is essential to reexamine the subject of what authentic leadership is about by examining the aspects of life leadership which is all about the ability to lead by example.
It stands to reason that if a person leads their own life with the right choices, decisions, standards principles, skills, and actions that they earn the merit to lead others.
What that simply means is that an authentic leader is first and foremost, a skilled and humane person who is first and foremost the CEO of their Own Life!
The 2 Principles of Authentic Leadership
The first principle of Authentic Leadership speaks of the truthfulness of character. Being connected to a moral compass and a set of values that guarantee a level of humanity & sensitivity that always connects them back to who they are.
The second principle is to be at skill training that improves performance in a multitude of leadership parameters, in which they become an example for others.
The two parameters of lead by example and Authentic leadership form a new kind of leadership that can be trustworthy.
It improves organizational health and organizational effectiveness because of the significance of leadership to organizational success.
Being The CEO of Your Life!!!
This is where your personal life becomes the training ground for your business life and your business life becomes the training ground for your personal life, while each supports the other.
When you connect the two together, and they energize one another, your leadership becomes “authenticated”, you become an inspiration to others because they see you lead by example. And that’s inspiring.
The more a leader adheres to the two principles of leadership the more Authentic Leadership becomes their style.
This means that you are sensitive to people in your organization, to the demands you place on them, how you speak to them, your verbal and nonverbal communication, and your general disposition as a leader.
At the end of the day, the leader is the most influential person in the company. The leader is the one that constantly redefines what leadership is about through many parameters.
The most important parameter of the ability to lead by example is the work environment the leader creates around them, by their standards, skills, behavior, attitude, level of communication, inspiration, stability, or lack of all of the above…the lot!
Most Leaders Don’t Lead By Example
Unfortunately, it is true that most leaders don’t lead by example and instead resort to power practices that put people down by using the ineffective strategy of command and control.
It’s an old hat that doesn’t work anymore and any organization that wants to succeed better pay attention and train their leaders to be authentic and ONLY ever Lead By Example.
So very often these two aspects are in dissonance, which, may cause all kinds of negative psychological, emotional, and mental issues, which affect the whole organization.
Many so-called leaders tend to speak with limited verbal and nonverbal communication skills, often disrespecting people in their style of communication, while often preaching what they themselves don’t do.
Again, the key to authentic leadership is the ability to lead by example, and that connection is often missed.
Why? because it’s easier to bathe in the glow of the title of leadership and not bother by the true honor function that it is.
I know of a person who advertises herself as a financial and marriage counselor …would you believe she is bankrupt, three times divorced, can’t hold a job, living from chaos to chaos, while in her own mind she leads people…
The questions I would suggest for you to ask yourself are, Do You Have Some of These Symptoms? Do You Preach to Others what You don’t do Yourself?
The Ethics & Rules 
Authentic leadership and the ability to lead by example demands that there will be synergy between inward leadership and outward leadership.
This means that you don’t ask others to do things you are not willing to do yourself or have never tried to do on your own.
Notice I wrote TRIED…not necessarily succeeded, because if you tried you already know what it takes.
So If you preach humility show it by trying to be humble yourself. If you ask for empathy give empathy. If you ask for creativity try to be creative yourself and don’t be quick to punish people if they don’t get it right.
If you want people to do the extra do extra on their behalf. If you want people to trust you, show them trust first. If you want people to become good communicators try it yourself.
If you want teamwork, become a team player yourself…and on and on the list grows, but I think you get the point.
There’s no doubt in my mind and I have seen it and caused it myself numerous times that when there is authentic leadership the organization thrives, people are happy, and going to work is a pleasure.
The ability to “walk the talk” is another way of saying lead by example and it’s how a leader is being measured.
All the rest simply doesn’t belong any more certainly not with millennials or the generations after them.
Furthermore, and most importantly, when a leader leads by example and experiences the hardship that their reports encounter it “melts” their hardness and reduces the size of their ego.
Instead, it promotes compassion and empathy which are key features of emotional intelligence in leadership, which provide a crucial pathway from the leader to the workforce and back.
The ABC Of Authentic Leadership – How To Lead By Example?
The ABC of Authentic Leadership is: Attitude, Belief, Commitment.
These are the building blocks of a leader that leads by example, which is one of the mysteries of charisma.
Attitude – Leadership is about being in service. It is clear that the personal glory of the leader ceases to become the first consideration of leadership.
Instead, one should become glorified by the success of everyone else. (This is where the workforce truly loves their Leadership).
Their attitude must have the ingredients of positivity and humility, both of which are the main sources of leadership empowerment and the ability to lead by example.
Belief – A leader must have a belief in the ability of people to always improve, which would come from the belief he has about his/her to change and progress. Here too if a leader leads by example they will believe in themselves and from that belief in others.
The truth of one depends on the other.
Commitment – a commitment to the function of authentic leadership, commitment to do the best they can do, commitment to the best for the people in the organization, and commitment to their A & B
Everyone Needs Help…
Leaders need to have a personal development plan template, which they can only acquire from leadership training courses.
In addition, they need a trusted life coach for the pros, that they can consult with, about their performance, be candid with and get honest reflection about their ability to lead by example.
No one sees themselves in if a leader aspires to be authentic they need a neutral set of perceptions about their performance progress or lack thereof.
In these days of chaos, where the world seems in reformation as the old fights the new everywhere authentic leadership and the ability to lead by example have a very significant role.
People need to trust again in leadership and that would only happen if this function updates itself to fit the needs of the times and provide high caliber skills by mustering inward and outward leadership skills that will lead by example from the front.
Demonstrating that it is possible to be an ordinary human and a great leader at the same time. That leadership is not some kind of Ego Performace that is based on insecurity, lack of skills, and emptiness.
A leader at the core level is any person who does their job thoroughly, inspiringly, and heartfully and that can be anyone. It is not a status. That perception MUST CHANGE.
It is a matter of a very short time that what is written about here will become the norm rather than the exception, which it is now.
The Thinking Leadership Training Courses 
We provide cutting-edge, international, Leadership Training Courses for all levels.
Our leadership programs range from beginner levels all the way to top leadership and Excellence Teams who learn to master the top 10 leadership skills.
We offer a variety of programs, from 1 to 5-day offsite seminars, as well as 12 months programs of Top Talent Teams.
We help produce first-class leaders, who master a wide variety of soft skills and learn to lead By Example, using advanced teaching and workshop techniques.
We also have an extensive Employee Training Development programs, which are effective and responsive to the needs of the times.
We specialize also in “Train the Trainer” seminars, to help companies, organizations & government agencies create their own self-sustaining leadership development programs.
Ver Importantly, we focus on Inter-gender Leadership, while training potential leaders to synergize the strengths of Feminine Leadership and Male Leadership qualities.
In my professional opinion, only full gender equality in leadership will bring about the changes we all want. It is long overdue and it is clear to all who dare be neutral that men alone in leadership have screwed things up royally.
Eli Harari
The Life Coach for Professionals™
Great post, thanks for the tips on detecting is leadership is really authentic…it can be hard to tell.
Most of my career I have worked for Fortune 500 companies. While I encountered a lot of amazing leaders, there were more who clearly were not cut out for the the responsibility…or more likely they didn’t know what was required of a leader.
For me, when looking to find a mentor, I focus on what they do and not what they say. As you pointed out, there are people who can talk the talk, but that a look at their personal life and it is a mess! I don’t want to be mentored by that person.
Also, great to see that you have inter-gender training. We ALL need to learn how to work together to be successful.
Thank you for your kind words. If You need a mentor, call on me I am here for you!
I can tell you put a lot of effort into this article because there are a lot of content and detail about what being an authentic leader is about. I love the 2 principles of authentic leadership, and I agree that we must consciously become the leader of your own life business. What is your definition of greatness? Hope to see your response! Thank you so much!
Good question…Greatness is to always develop and never think you know, Do a lot of good work but don’t let it get to your ego. Have humility, others will make you big, not you!
that’s a start…what do you think?
Great article! You are right, being a leader is a daily commitment and the best way to do this is to lead by example! It’s not an easy task but worth it. Everyone will face challenges so having a mentor is the best way to be successful on this journey.
Mentoring by example is the key to improved continuity and I have huge successes in that.
do you have any contacts that I should pursue who are in serious need?
Thank you for such a beautiful post, I relate in a great way to what you are talking about, I always to be a leader a political one for that matter and I have managed to keep myself in way that people can use as an example every day I amass new followers that can feel comfortable and secure while putting and trusting me with what belongs to them, so I will definitely take the training to increase my skills and make sure I change my country if ever I do get a chance.
Hi Dave
Thanks for your kind words.
I do training all over the world. It always begin with someone like you as an agent of change that I can work with to get seminars to change the current reality. It is possible today to make things happen and cause changes. You need to believe that you can and hook me up with the right people and you’ll be amazed
Your article is very informative. It is good to know that there are qualified people out there who are interested in teaching others how to be productive leaders. It is hard to find a job these days with a supervisor who is a real leader. They fail miserably and everyone around them becomes miserable.
Thank you for your comment Tanya, and yes you are right, a good a real leader is hard to find in today’s workforce because many don’t know the first principle of leadership and that is to be leaders of their own life! Lead by example is the key!
All the best
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