Think Positive And Empower Productivity – 4 Key Perceptions To Success
Think Positive And Empower Productivity – 4 Key Perceptions To Success

Think Positive And Empower Productivity – 4 Key Perceptions To Success

Did you know that to Think Positive is the most unused, underrated and cost effective productivity strategy hidden in plain sight?  

The cost of the absence to think positive, which is directly connected to strategic thinking and strategic planning is extremely expensive in the long term.

Yet, for most people, to “think positive” is a nonexistent feature that is extremely costly on  professional and personal levels.

The reason being is that to think positive energizes a person on a physical, mental and emotional level.

It alleviates unnecessary pressures and stress and makes things more manageable.

To Think Positive ought to be a life quest

It’s not just a good idea whenever it occurs to us.

It is a must for every person if they want to be healthy in mind and body and actually connect themselves to the power of positive thinking.

In turn it gives a bright energy that makes people do things they never imagined were possible.

Perception #1 – The Harsh Reality

People sort of “get” positive from time to time, but the regular order of business, for the majority of people, particularly in the West, is to be negative.

They complain, judge, criticize, demean and put down themselves and others. It’s a “given”.

The negative attitude is so ingrained that it has become an automatic response in the majority of human interactions, we take it as “normal”!!

But it isn’t, it’s a viral disease!

So what is it? Can’t we see it’s poisonous and never feels good to anyone? Can’t we see that even in business it never really motivates?…

That is because negative thinking usually goes with fear and threat, or it can be called “fear and control mechanism”, and fear never encourages people to be at their best.

In fact, fear and negative thinking are minimizing perceptions, creativity and productivity, because they have the effect of “blindness” and shrinkage.

They result in a perfunctory and mediocre level of achievement whereas the power of positive thinking is the very vitamin of excellence.

I see this tendency in my leadership and soft skill training seminars throughout Europe and the US, but interestingly it is not as acute in Africa.

It seems that the more seemingly educated and well-off people are, they tend to seem to sway towards negativity.

This is seen by complaints and lack of satisfaction, usually accompanied by an attitude that you have to protect yourself from people around you.

I found that to be dramatically different in Africa, where people tend to smile much more and judge much less.

Perception #2 – The Conspiracy Of Negativity

power of positive thinking  - negativity

Negativity sneaks up on people.

Before you know it, when people get together they usually find an agreement around something that they criticize.

It happens almost automatically and fast.

The curious thing is that if you were to ask (…and I did), most people would say they are positive thinkers, and indeed some are.

However, the majority  of people focus on the negative side of things in a ratio of 90% negative to 10% positive.

Yet their perception of who they are is almost  90% positive and 10% negative (if that much…)

If you listen to conversations and perhaps, to what you think about and how you speak about things, you are likely to get a shock.

Although, it has become normal today. You can’t blame them, nor yourself, as  life teaches us that negativity works…or so it seems.

That’s why the news are filled, mostly, with negative news, while we kind of get compensated at the end with a positive human interest story, such as a  fireman saving a cat that got stuck on a tree…and everybody loves it.

So why isn’t it the other way around?

The Why?

The 2016 presidential elections showed everyone that “positivity is a wuss” and “negativity has muscles and gets things done”.

You see Negativity works…and here is why…

  • It’s, easy to do!
  • It’s accepted as a strategy of living.
  • Everyone understands that if you want to win you got to put someone, or many, down.
  • People seem to think that negative people are strong and get things done.
  • It builds commonality easily.
  • You don’t have to look at yourself.
  • It’s kind of a “wuss” and weak to be positive.

And other such shallow reasons…

However,  it is like that only because the masses have been conditioned to think that the way forward is to step on whoever is in the way.

We created a world which is isolating people from each other and everyone feels alone, on their own, and if they don’t fight they’ll lose. (Studies of lonelyness in America demonstrate frightening results.)

The fact that negativity is used by the masses doesn’t make it a long term success strategy. 

If you are negative you may get the job you wanted and may control other people but you will be infected with mental & emotional poison, which will gradually consume you, make you disliked and lonely.

People are infected with the disease called Negative Thinking or as it is commonly referred to in Emotional Intelligence terminology: Negative Emotional Viruses.

Would you put poison in your food voluntarily? If the answer is no, why then, would you want to feed your mind & emotions with the poison of negativity?

Perception #3 – Digging Still A Little Deeper

power of positive thinking - digging
Photograph courtesy of Pexels

The roots of negative thinking come from the wrong interpretation of Competition.

Competition was only ever meant to be an expression of Personal Excellence, but it became a system of excelling through beating up the other person.

Another reason is the “I am Right” syndrome, which unfortunately leads to conflicts because all people are right, aren’t they?

So let me complete the cycle for you…Negativity is the way to put others down so one can feel they are better than them, without having to develop, improve & become excellent on their own account.

It’s a lazy man’s way to personal profit and glory. That’s all!

Perception #4 – What Is To Think Positive?

The Power Of Positive Thinking
Photograph courtesy of Pexels

To Think Positive is to situate yourself in the city of possibilities where you can put your mind to create a picture of yourself as a positive person that sees the potential in everything.

Don’t allow yourself at that point to have any doubts what so ever.

Become a deliberate child that deliberately only looks at the hope of what can be.

Having done that first, and created that picture in your mind, think without being negative, what can come and take away from the scenery that you have created in your mind.

And one by one neutralize the negative asspects with practical, strategic solutions that you will apply at the point.

It’s that simple.

We are entering a world post-covid as we are “licking our wounds” and its a great opportunity to really understand the lesson of how important “humanizing leaderhip” is, because its clear that this area needs an urgent overhaul. Be the one that jumps head first to a pool full of water rather than head first to a pool with no water!

I am here to offer second to none leadership training that will challenge the “uncomfortable comfort zone” of past leadership and rekindle the spirit of a new kind of leadership that is skilled based, situational, that people can trust, rather than an ego based extinct form of leadership.

A workshop seminar on leadership for your organization will probably prove to be the best ROI for 2022.

What is the power of positive thinking

Eli Harari

The Life Coach for Professionals™



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