Colm McCourt
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Colm McCourt

Feedback on Eli’s Personal Life Coach Training

Clarity of thought, focus, mindfulness, and the alleviation of stress leading to better clinical acumen and more a humane doctor is how I would describe the last 7 months working with Eli.
Examining and developing my values from first principles has given me solid foundations, this allows me to project a clear vision of the future which I confidently work and walk towards. The knowledge that as long as my values are sound and my reasons are clear then my career is very much in my hands makes life stress-free. This knowledge has empowered me to make a bold move to the other side of the world where I have begun to make a career transition from clinical medicine towards a career as an entrepreneur in emerging technologies, healthtec, and further afield.
Eli works on both the micro and macro levels, delving deep into the core of specific issues while at the same time zooming out and putting life’s little obstacles into perspective.

I recommend Eli wholeheartedly to doctors and any professionals who are seriously considering moving forward to the next level of their profession, in thinking, forecasting, communicating, problems solving, and much more.
I felt and feel in able hands and that Eli has my back on professional and life issues alike. The ability to see the big picture, and have a true appreciation for myself and the achievements I have so far accomplished enabled me to see myself in a new light, which has been tremendously beneficial to my self-confidence and belief system.

Colm McCourt

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