The Art Of Asking Questions
Creative thoughts are a natural human skill, most evident in children. It seems that for children, being creative and asking questions is a natural way of life. The fact that every child asks endless “WHY” questions reveals something deeper about how we are naturally made to think.
The natural instinct to be curious about what’s next, the desire to discover, the urge to try new things, and the excitement to learn, invent, and produce new ideas are clearly part of our DNA. Yet, for most people, this spark of creative thoughts gets lost, replaced by the ego of thinking one knows it all.
“Why” do you ask…well it’s called the “disease of perfection” which means that mistakes are frowned upon instead of being thought about as a tool for advancement. People get punished for making first time mistakes sot they don’t try to be creative, simple!
Rekindling Creative Thoughts
This marvelous state of affairs—the intense spark in the eyes, which we call creative thinking—was once us. It’s still there but hidden. Hidden, but not lost. This amazing life spark went into hiding, and instead, most people and professionals settle into a repetitive pattern of performance and attitude motivated by misplaced fears.
Here’s a paradigm shift in thinking that you need to embrace: Creative thoughts do not need to be taught; they needs to be encouraged, stimulated, invited, rekindled, inspired, and motivated to become part of a person’s expression and way of doing life and professional business.
Thinking Out Of The Box
In professional jargon, we talk about “The Box.” Creative thoughts then becomes “Thinking Out Of The Box,” but where does the box come from? Who created it? Why must we deal with a box in our thinking? What can we do to remove it so that we can just think freely? Why has creative thinking become the exception rather than the rule? These are crucial questions to consider which The Thinking Coach goes into extensively in the leadership seminars.
Open-Ended Questions: A Key To Creative Thinking
The ability to ask the right questions opens the path to a paradigm shift in thinking about every aspect of life. This is what evolution is about. This quest should never stop because we are all in the process of ongoing discovery and learning every single day.
The right kind of questions can be excellent tools to get out of the box. They create new space and become a productive tool for problem-solving. Open-ended questions are not how questions; they are always WH-questions.
“WH” Questions and Creative Thoughts
As mentioned earlier, every child around the age of three asks endless “why” questions. Their natural curiosity prompts them to want to know what is behind something, what motivates matters, and what processes lead to results, unless of course you think it’s a “conspiracy theory” by ALL children in the world!
So let’s use the WHY tool to understand why creative thinking has mostly disappeared. At the end of each question below, you can add the words “if so, why?” Do people lack emotional intelligence skills and fear making mistakes? Do they prefer to be followers rather than leaders? Are they incapable of strategic thinking and planning? Do they think of themselves as incapable and prove themselves right? These questions can begin the search for the path to creative thoughts as they start to point to the causes, rather than focus on the symptoms.
Filling The Void Created By Questions
We are used to asking questions and producing answers quickly to fill the void of the unknown. This is what schooling and testing have done with the marvelous tool of asking questions. It took the ability to ask natural open-ended questions and reduced it to the lowest possible level, where questions have become tools in the hands of charlatans to determine faults and judge people’s knowledge.
How about finding the courage to face the unknown without rushing to fill it up with answers from the known that come from the comfort zone? This can lead to new creative thought patterns that allow for true innovation.
True Creativity Is A Magnet For Success And Money 
I am merely touching here the tip of the iceberg of the paradigm shift in creative thinking that is needed. To truly understand the great tool of real questions, one has to be willing to look at the world from a different perspective and evaluate how much the human race has drifted away from the natural truth of being and doing.
Where leadership and professionals are concerned, they stand to gain the most by rediscovering their creative spark. They will become more productive, enjoy work more, and achieve greater success because creative thoughts are a magnet for success and money.
What The Thinking Coach Training Seminars Offer
The Thinking Coach seminars offer participants a way to rediscover their natural creativity, enabling them to solve problems more effectively and discover new ideas for old problems. The professional training environment helps them find new solutions while freeing them from blocked thinking patterns.
This newfound confidence in their creative thoughts skills and abilities allows them to think “out of the box.” Observing many professionals in my seminars, it appears they reconnect with their natural creative essence, making them happier, more open, excited, and willing to ask open-ended questions without fearing the unknown.
Encouraging Creative Thinking In The Workplace
When people return to their workplaces after my seminars, they want to apply their new skills. But will the work environment support and encourage their newfound creative thinking skills? As has been explained the more punitive and judgmental the environment, the less creative people will be.
A leader who asks for creativity but punishes first-time mistakes is a leader only by title, not by true functionality. To truly foster creative thoughts, a supportive environment is crucial.
Call Me!
Unlock your creative potential with The Thinking Coach’s seminars. Rediscover your natural creativity, solve problems more effectively, and achieve greater success. Join us and embrace a paradigm shift in creative thinking that will transform your professional life. Don’t let your creative spark remain hidden—ignite it today!

Eli Harari
The Life Coach for Professionals™
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