Table of Contents
We all have been there, right? Our first “job”, where we were starry-eyed and full of hope for the future of a bright career. Yet we had no idea we had entered the world of employee engagement and employee retention, and even more, the world of employee training!
What is this world of “employee engagement“? What is all the fuss about?
In this short article, we are going to touch on some of the basic and very important points about employee engagement, training, and above all retention!
So What is Employee Engagement All About?
In the past few years the term “Employee Engagement” has sprung up, into the corporate training & human resource training consciousness rather suddenly, or so it seems.
Perhaps not so suddenly, because everything that appears has been developing over time. It has a hidden phase where matters ferment and develop.
Those who have the eyes to see, senses to detect, and can read “the writing on the wall” can see that despite all the great technological progress of our time the truth of the matter is – it is all about people.
Every business, regardless of what it focuses on, is a people’s business.
It is important to understand that to be able to read the “writing on the wall” before something appears one has to free their mind from previous conditioning.
One needs to develop a kind of neutrality that can perceive the facts as they are without putting them in a box.
From my vast international experience, which, extends over 25 years and stretches across four continents, I can confidently state in the most emphatic terms:
Employees have been and are the most valuable asset of any organization, government, corporate or otherwise. But, unfortunately, they are not thought of in that way or treated in a manner that reflects their true human or professional value.
The Background Of Employee Engagement
The reader might say, “well, we know that”, and true, intellectually everyone knows that but…in practice?… In the workplace?
Looking at the attitude that prevails today, almost everywhere, employees are merely treated as a Commodity with very little regard to their human value, to their emotional intelligence and to their overall sense of dignity.
Sounds horrible? Indeed! But I am only the messenger, not the message! Unfortunately, this is the reality by an overwhelming majority of the cases and it is gradually getting worse.
There is a curious inversion of significance that is worth paying attention to, and it is:
The greater the technological advancement the more important the human capital wealth is, for overall success. Yet, at the same time, there is growing apathy and disregard for employees.
Furthermore, there is a greater supply of workers than there are jobs available, which adds to the illusion that humans are not important and could be easily replaced.
What Is The Definition Of Employee Engagement?
Employee Engagement is a process that is achieved by increasing employee engagement training, which synergizes (syncs) employees with the goals, vision, and procedures of the organization.
This, in turn, helps them become part of the decision-making mechanism and of the strategic planning process.
Employees thereby join the “life” of the organization through increased delegation of responsibility, think-tank participation, while building trust & team building confidence towards the precious goal of personal ownership.
Obviously, the definition of Employee Engagement means nothing without an active application.
For employee engagement training to become meaningful and achieve the results it can, corporate leadership must support it whole-heartedly and adopt a leadership style that is people-oriented.
Obviously, the support has to be real and has to come from a platform that respects employees and understands their importance in the success of the organization.
If the leadership is “in”, employee engagement can be a key to the long-term success of the organization in more senses than one.
This embodies the principle of “success in process”
What Is Strategic Planning All About?
You may be asking yourself, what has this got to do with employee engagement? Well, the simple answer is Everything!
When you think about this, everything in life that seems to suddenly appear has a “gradually, gradually” phase to it, and mostly we don’t see it.
When you apply this thought, you get to have lasting results, and, in fact, being result-oriented is a process that “cooks” and requires, patience, perseverance, belief and a lot of consistent work.
Those who succeed the most have strategic thinking and strategic planning skills that help them see the unseen “gradually, gradually” and understand that it is the most important part of the process, which in times seems to appear “suddenly” and become seen.
When applied to employee engagement training, this can be said to be the “cooking” time that is being done, gradually creating a synergized workforce.
Having a synergized team where trust, accountability, and personal responsibility are prevalent are the basic ingredients that an organization needs for increased productivity and long term success.
It is obvious that the skills of strategic thinking and strategic planning are necessary to think and plan to grow consciousness to the importance of employees to corporate success.
This is just a brief starter of the understanding of what employee engagement is about.
If you feel that you and your organization could do and possibly need employee engagement training, contact me for details.

Eli Harari
The Life Coach for Professionals™
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