The Importance of Thinking in Leadership?
In this short video, I introduce the key points of how thinking should be applied, and in what ways. Why is thinking so important in leadership?
The process and the importance of thinking in leadership is one that leads us to success, and it is much simpler than we think!
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The Importance of Thinking in Leadership – Video Transcript
So why is thinking so important in Leadership? And let’s talk about Strategic thinking, Critical Thinking, and Creative Thinking. Because all these are levels of thinking that were meant to cause a kind of energy that begins a process that culminates in ‘better and better” success.
And let me use the imperative word here, Process. “Process” is where success lives. Success does not “live on its own” away somewhere to be reached. That is the wrong way to think about it. “Process” is learning to transfer success to everything a professional human does.
I hope that makes sense to you. Because this is a key. It is a transformational thought because we were trained to think about a one-track mind to reach “success”. That made success a very narrow space where only one thing can be reached and that is a “success”, but there are so many successes that a person can have in one day, in the way they speak to people, in their exactness, in their ability to be cohesive, in their ability to be clear, in to think strategically and every time you do better it is a “success”. And here is the key, it compounds.
Now let me give you the governing sentence to this, and it is all about thinking remember, it goes like this:
“Where thinking goes energy flows”
So the way you think will create a certain energy. Thinking about the future creating vision, believing, causing an updraft of inspiration in other people will attract that energy. And somewhere down the road that elusive one-track mind success will also be achieved, but will be part of an ongoing success and that is the synonymous name for “process”, an ongoing success where the space for success is much bigger than for one person.
This is a clue, not just to thinking, but this is a clue to everything because this is how you build a successful workplace. You focus on process, you focus on the little aspects that are not so little, about human skills, and improve, and improve, and improve.
If you are the leader you first do in yourself, because you’ve got to lead by example. People will copy. People are a lot of times are like children, they want to see that the leader does what they speak, and they will do it.
So, where thinking goes energy flows and there are lots of clues about this, lots of ways to think about this. but it starts here, and if you think in a balanced way with the left hemisphere which is analytical and based on facts, and the right hemisphere which is creative and sees into the future and creates pictures and it’s theatrical you can even speak better.
There is nothing worse than a leader coming to see the people and saying (in a flat tone) “good morning, nice to see you again”, imagine what they are conveying. No, say “Good Morning, and it’s GREAT to See you Again” (in an enthusiastic tone) same words, a different feeling because it comes from the heart, and this is another example of where thinking goes, energy flows.
If you are looking for a specific structure in this video you won’t find it but what you’ll find is an “umbrella of understanding” if you want the specifics, I am here for you, reach out. You’ll be amazed at what can be done with a group of people working together when they are elevated to another realm of thinking. and that is why I am here.
Hope to see you.

Eli Harari
The Life Coach for Professionals™
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