Table of Contents
In these times of world crisis when life, as we knew it, came to a screeching halt, knowing how to use the power of thinking and how to use emotional intelligence is critical to each and every one.
#1 – Thinking is Power!

It’s a natural gift that every human has.
It is a gift because it is the mechanism with which, we make decisions and make choices, which is the greater gift that we often fail to realize is a gift.
However, the ability to use the power of thinking to our advantage and learn how to make great decisions requires a better understanding and appreciation of that great potential power within us.
Potential power because it becomes actual power when it is focused, ordered and conscious.
If you apply simple guidelines you will make great decisions. If used correctly, thinking can be a “well of well being” and endless new and productive ideas.
However, by some strange turn of events, it is a subject that is largely ignored by educational institutions from primary school all the way to higher education.
One would think that if the power of thinking naturally happens in our heads, which obviously education institutions understand, that it would dawn upon the powers that be that it is important to teach children how to use this amazing human trait rather than just turning their brains into filing cabinets of, very often, “irrelevant to life subjects”.
The fact is that “how to think” is not taught as a subject on its own, in schools, alongside math and science and English or history.
Why is It Ignored?
Is it because it is assumed that the power of thinking is an automatic feature that doesn’t require training?
Or is it that there is an underlying ignorance in the education system about it?
Or could it be that the extent of the education system thinks that thinking is only a one-dimensional fact- cramming mechanism coupled with fear-induced testing?
Whatever the case is, this is wrong, as thinking needs education, training, and practice to realize the great asset that it is.
The power of thinking is an invitation, it is a magnet to more of the same, a dynamo in whatever the level of thinking is.
Above all, thinking is the most important asset at times of crisis as protection from panic and consequent harmful decisions.
To explain it better let’s use a water analogy, as analogy helps the thinking process.
#2 – How To think – Water Analogy

There are two essential aspects to take into consideration. Movement & Direction.
Moving – moving water is healthy water.
There’s a connection between health and movement and the examples are many.
Moving thoughts are healthy thoughts. Makes sense.
The more we think consciously, strategically, creatively and critically we are on the move.
Here is the connection… Science tells us that we are 80% water, and if water needs to move to stay healthy so do we in our thinking.
This for me was an ‘Aha’ moment, years back when I moved with my family to a place by a lake which I realized smelled of dead fish.
Upon inquiring it was explained to me that the entry and exit points of the lake were blocked and prevented the natural flow of water, which caused the fish to die from water poisoning.
The ‘Aha’ arrived soon after when I understood that if humans, being 80% water, are stuck in old thinking patterns then their mind and physical health will be poisoned.
This conjecture had further confirmation and made more sense when I considered the fact that nurses try to get patients to move as soon as possible after surgery.
Direction…Water uses the path of least resistance to flow from its source downwards.
Humans have the ability to divert the passage of the water and change its direction to fertilize arid land for the benefit of better living.
So does the power of thinking, which originates in the head and can be likened to an unending stream of water that uses the path of least resistance, which we know as repeating the usual thoughts unless conscious diversion (creativity) happens.
Human beings have the choice to redirect their thinking, learn new things and change their behavior. It begins with the power of thinking.
Diverting the direction of the water is analogous to learning to think in different ways, such as:
- Thinking ahead (strategically)
- Empowering productivity (self-motivation) f
- Fertilizing and actualizing our intentions (positive thinking & time management)
- Finding new ways to think about things (creative thinking)
- Preventing overthinking & complicating things (keeping it simple),
- Creating balance and movement (strategic planning)
- Learning to make great decisions (balancing IQ and EQ),
- Prioritizing (critical thinking)
- Zoom In and Zoom Out ( the big picture strategy) and much much more.
If one reflects on all the great inventions that began by thinking through an idea, developing it to be part of life (the light bulb, internet, airplanes and millions more) one realizes that the power of thinking is truly one of the greatest marvels of human existence as this marvelous system can be applied to anything and everything and enable a new reality by its causative ability.
Here is the thing…most humans have the same power of thinking apparatus, same water if you like, the difference is movement and direction.
No one is stupid, it’s a matter of correct usage and training.
The power of thinking is meant to be “The Well Of Well Being”.
#3 – Emotions – The Greater Power

Thre’s much to know and understand how the emotions affect the human ability in just about every aspect of life and living.
There are multiple levels of consideration, but for the sake of getting to the point quickly consider the following…
E-motion, simply put, is the Motion of E, which stands for energy.
It means that we all have in us a moving machine and it can move us and move others in different directions. Up or down.
Yes, emotion is an earthmover and in this case, human beings are the earth.
There are higher emotions and lower emotions. The higher is to do with everything positive and the lower with everything negative.
Motivation & Inspiration happens through emotions.
The greatest long-term motivation of all is when people are made to feel they are worthy, valued, listened to, included, and cared for.
They’ll do anything for a greater cause.
Negative emotions, on the other hand, can have a hypnotic effect on the masses through “the unfair syndrome” leading to the feeling of victimization, making the dangerous crossing of the red line to hate and violence…and no one can think rationally in such circumstance.
The power of thinking is present in both cases, positive and negative, the question is which way are you directing your thoughts?
#4 – Emotions & Thinking: The Enlivening or Deadly Duo

These “siblings” within the human faculty are powerful human abilities that can instigate, trigger, follow, complete, balance, cancel-out & neutralize each other, either positively or negatively.
They are the 1-2 punch that can achieve great feats or lead to horrible actions.
They can empower towards a positive end or negative end.
For example, when you think positive, effective, long term thinking, you can feel the emotions of hope, happiness & calmness almost immediately follow, and…in turn it makes you think more positively…and here is the great revelation…more intelligently!
When you think negatively it triggers the feeling of hopelessness and a sense of being a victim, rage anger and all other emotions that belong in this family soon follow.
I am sure you noticed that it is very difficult to think positively and feel miserable and even more striking, it is impossible to think negatively and feel great.
That is how strong the power of thinking is.
Your feelings should be consulted when you think and are about to make a decision.
If it doesn’t feel right it is probably the wrong decision. I am sure you have many examples.
This is particularly important at times of crisis, as we find ourselves in a situation where the world, as we knew it, essentially came to a halt and we are all dealing with a vast unknown.
Using the power of thinking, this is the time to step back, Zoom Out (as I call it in my seminars) and get a “helicopter view” or “edge of the planet view” and take control by consciously thinking through what the case is, as it unfolds, and gain a huge advantage in our personal and business life.
The correct usage of this dynamic duo can be a game-changer for individuals and organizations in that it can lead to tremendous success and open new doors of opportunities and possibilities.
Just think of the physical power required to lift 2000 lbs…well the emotional energy generated by a mother can do that to save her child.
We live in times where we measure the bottom line of everything because it’s physical and we can see it.
But we mostly fail to understand the top-line that pulls up the bottom-line, and is the hidden reason for success or lack of it.
Make no mistake, the power of thinking and emotions are game-changers that have the power to cause new reality, bring people together and increase the immunity of people, individually and collectively…or do the opposite.
My main focus as The Thinking Coach is to train people & show them that they are much much better than they think they are if they learn the basic fundamentals of how to use the power of thinking and APPLY THESE…This is where change happens for real.
There’s no ‘Magic Wand’…and you might want to check with your thoughts and feelings if you are always hoping for a ‘magic wand change’ from outside or whether you are willing to hunker down and get your inside going in the right direction.
With the correct use of the power of thinking and intelligent use of the emotions, you can relieve the stress that weakens the immune system, probably more than anything else.
While at the same time you can demonstrate the kind of leadership that will empower your own life and the life of others around you.
What better time to do it when everything has stopped around you?!
*In these days of turmoil, I am conducting webinars on The Power of Thinking and Emotions at Times of Crisis and so far it seems that it brings stability, common senses and high level of decision making, as opposed to making hasty decisions from fear and panic.
If you want to become part of these webinars please contact me.
As the Life Coach for the Pros, I specialize in training and guiding professionals on how to make great decisions in challenging times.
I can teach you how to improve your bottom-line profits by establishing a top-line of organizational health that constantly lifts the bottom-line of profits, productivity and being smart.

Eli Harari
The Life Coach for Professionals™
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