Explaining The Context of What Life Coaching Is about
Everyone needs a life coach that is able to show them what they don’t see and help them take charge of their own life and career.
As the Life Coach for The Pros for many years, I would begin with the fact that a life coach is someone the trainee can trust. If there’s trust then much can be achieved in a much shorter time.
Beyond that, a life coach is a professional who genuinely cares for people beyond just the exchange of service for money.
The life coaching process is the passage of knowledge and the demonstration of skills that help a person achieve their goals and discover their own leadership style of their OWN LIFE…before anything else.
A life coach should help the trainee redefine their goals in a way that reflects the truth of the process where time and aspirations are concerned.
The life coaching process should be challenging and rewarding with many practical tasks and evaluations.
Ultimately, it should be a work of a cohesive team comprised of the life coach and the trainee, who both contribute to the coaching process in a collaborative and live fashion, which supersedes the traditional teacher-student style of the past.
The Life Coach Transformative Coaching 3 Step System
- Stress Management techniques – To diagnose and relieve stress where needed and improve the effectiveness
- How to build confidence by developing sustainable daily practices
- Create a personal development plan template – Vision, Mission & Strategy.
This 3-step process is designed to cause long-term results rather than a quick fix patchwork, which is an illusion anyway.
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UMwDZXkePVw[/embedyt]
What Is Personal Coaching About
Personal coaching is a teamwork strategy, where the coach and the trainee form a partnership, whereby the coach transfers knowledge and expertise by example, and the trainee responds by stylized mimicry.
The idea is that each person should first be the leader of their own lives and discover their own personal development plan template, which fits them best and, which will define their own leadership style.
The life coaching provides the client with performance information tools and performance tools, which they can apply in their day-to-day operations and in their life leadership.
The Difference Between Mentoring & Life Coaching
Mentoring is a deeper life coaching engagement where deep trust has been achieved between the mentor and the training person, which leads to a more committed training relationship.
This is when the two achieve a high degree of cohesive teamwork that is based on 5 main parameters:
- Trust
- Openness
- Commitment
- Accountability
- Attention To Results
What are Mentoring Objectives 
- System Thinking Leadership – a system thinking approach to acquire and apply new knowledge – fact-finding and fact review with the constant pursuit of new information
- The Big Picture: how to get to the big picture – how to understand the big picture – how to stay focused on the big picture – how to reason your way to new effective work practices and inject different ideas and motivation to the actionable intelligence
- Sustainable development definition is the ability to establish a sustainable development strategy that defines the Yes and No choices of what is the decision-making process about – this is a critical key in a successful mentoring program because it goes right to the heart of how to build confidence.
- Acquiring new and updated interpersonal communication skills, specifically, communication for the workplace.
- Management Change Process – managing personal change effectively by adapting to new circumstances
Core Issues Addressed In The Mentoring Process:
- Getting to grips with what is stress about
- Progressively reducing stress by stress management techniques
- Redefining what is a win and what is a success in the big picture
- Understanding what is “the power of now” and how to connect to it
- Discovering what self-motivation is about
- Getting the inside story of What is life leadership
- Defining your own leadership style
- Tapping into the power of positive thinking
Dealing With Fears
- How to overcome the fear of the unknown
- How to achieve personal goals
- How to identify personal strengths
- How to identify your weaknesses
- How to overcome your weaknesses
- How to overcome procrastination
- How to overcome the fear of making mistakes
- How to overcome the fear of rejection
- How to overcome the fear of failure
- How to overcome the fear of success
- How to overcome the fear of judgment
Acquiring Self-leadership Skills And Discovering Your Own Leadership Style
- Verbal and nonverbal communication – how to master these 2 important aspects
- Difference between verbal and nonverbal communication in their usage and impact – You have to first understand the difference in impact and influence to blend the two successfully.
- How to become an active listener- active listening communication skills are rare
- How to understand other people better
- How to inspire people -the manager friend
- What is assertive communication- assertiveness training program that teaches you to mean what you say and say what you mean in a way that gets attention!
- Work performance evaluation – How to evaluate people without bias
- What is the fear of public speaking – How to overcome it
- How to develop effective crowd and interpersonal communication skills
- How to achieve a healthy balance of assertiveness and friendship as a manager
- How to prioritize effectively
- What is a manager – qualities that a manager needs to have to be empowered and trusted
- What is mental flexibility-How to be mentally flexible
- How to earn the respect of others
- How to facilitate and support your workforce to become more successful
- Learning how to think strategically about everything
- How to deal effectively with organizational changes
- How to employ mental toughness resilience
- What is creative thinking about – How to get new ideas & how to become more creative
- How to prevent dispersion and increase focus
- How to say No Effectively and Yes progressively
- Self-motivation definition- the importance of self-confidence in motivating oneself by tuning your mind to a purpose greater than yourself, within the context of the organization
- How to become more persuasive
- How to use the tool of self-instruction effectively
- What is strategic planning about – How to plan strategically
- What is the power of positive thinking – How to think positive
- How to utilize your brain and emotions in a balanced way
- How to make effective decisions
- How to think short-term and long-term
- How to be at the point and ready for the future
- And many other aspects…Note: It is important to keep in mind that the above outline is there to show what is possible but the actual life coaching session is SPECIFIC ACCORDING TO THE NEEDS OF THE INDIVIDUAL PERSON!
This may seem a little overwhelming and it may be, but let me ask you a strategic question:
Would you as a person and leader rather be an unfulfilled promise and potential or will you decide to jump head-first into your own pool of brilliance and emerge as a brilliant leader of your own life and of others?
So when you consider life coaching, make sure to find a life coach that can truly help you. You are making a bold decision that can change the course of your life.
But…you have to be constant and unwavering in your dedication & will power.

Eli Harari
The Life Coach for Professionals™
A lot of the benefits of having a life coach revolves around the opportunity to bounce ideas off another person that is truly interested and encouraging you to accomplish your dreams.
Another benefit, is you get to voice your thoughts out loud. Until we do that, we often find that they do not make sense. A life coach will help you sort out your thoughts.
As you allude to, fear is what cripples us from achieving our potential. Thank you for your post.
Hi Eli,
Great post regarding the Thinking Coach and what is Life Coaching. Reading your post is almost eerie as I’ve been considering looking into becoming a life coach. I reviewed all the points you mentioned of what a life coach and a client can attain together and its incredibly inspirational. Of course different folks will want and need different things but this is a great laundry list or menu of things that can help improve many people’s lives.
If you don’t mind me asking, how did you go down the path of life coach and how did you develop your system? Do you train others to become life coaches in your methods?
All the best,
Mat A.
Hey Mat, Thanks for your comment. You ask a lot of good questions. Yes I have an extraordinary train the trainer program. The best thing to do is to schedule a skype call and I will give you free half hour consultation and from there you can decide if you want me to train you.