The Tuning Fork Effect – 7 Essential Steps To Successfully Change
The Tuning Fork Effect – 7 Essential Steps To Successfully Change

The Tuning Fork Effect – 7 Essential Steps To Successfully Change

The Tuning Fork Effect is all about getting a grip on what change is about and how essential it is for change management to be effective. This natural principle is a powerful tool to gain a true paradigm shift in thinking.

What Is a Paradigm Shift In Thinking?

It is the ability to think out of the box and adapt to a new reality. It first takes the ability to scan what new is happening, accept it, and adapt by developing new practices.

When thinking about the tuning fork effect, it is based on the very same principle – one of resonance.

The Information Accessibility

How do we see this resonance in effect in our world today?

Our current world makes knowledge available to everyone at a click of a button.

One-click and everything is known instantly across the globe through advanced media communications. Nothing can stay hidden anymore for long.

Google, Facebook, and other social networks have changed the world map of social order.

World institutions are crumbling, governments are losing their legitimacy to govern, children 1-2-year-old master smartphones, the ice caps are melting, divorce rates are rising rapidly, people are more lonely than ever…and on and on the list goes.

When you apply the thought of how the Tuning Fork effect is in action through this state, you can easily see how change is happening.

And change happens at all levels, yes in the corporate world too.

Change Management & The Tuning Fork

Tuning Fork Effect

Making decisions in a changing environment is not an easy task because you can’t rely on yesterday’s decisions for guidance.

Furthermore, there has been a significant paradigm shift in Strategic Thinking which has changed dramatically in recent times because long term Strategic Planning has become nearly impossible.

It seems that even 3 months of planning is risky and to think strategically long term is pretty much a waste of time because of the rapid pace of change.

In addition, inside all of that, there is the unknown stability of people that are being challenged all the time and at increasing intensity.

That increasing intensity is creating a tuning fork effect of its own.

The ability to think straight, stay emotionally balanced, even happy (we dare say!) and…maintain sanity, stay productive and healthy has become all the more challenging.

For professionals, the question becomes: How do I keep up with all the changes around me, advance my career and continue to improve and develop without “losing it”?

Change Management Training

tuning fork effect - change management training

Change Management training is essential. And that’s what I do! I train professionals to manage change, which primarily deals with thinking skills and emotional intelligence!

At times of change, the question of mental and emotional stability is paramount to success.

The workplace needs a great deal of attention as it is the “home-base” from which the productive practices should emerge.

I would like to divert your attention to a natural law that can simplify the whole aspect of change while helping you sync with the paradigm shift in thinking in regards to change.

It deals with the Personal Development aspect of Change Management.

The Tuning Fork Principle & Change Management

The Tuning Fork Effect - A Paradigm Shift In Thinking

If you were a musical tuning fork that could be calibrated to attract vibrating sounds; to what note would your pitch be calibrated to? Or, in other words, what are you inviting?

Let me try to explain this strange question and direct your attention to an astonishing law of nature.

The Tuning Fork Principle works like this: When you tap a tuning fork it begins to vibrate and make humming sounds, sending out vibrations of a specific pitch through the air around it.

If another tuning fork is placed nearby and is calibrated to the same note, the second tuning fork will begin to hum and vibrate in harmony with the first one.

What Does It Mean For You?

You too, act as a tuning fork.

While the pitch/tune you send is invisible and, unlike a tuning fork, it is silent to the ear, you DO calibrate your minds and thinking to specific vibrations, and those vibrations search for matching tunes in other people or situations.

You do this both consciously and unconsciously, and send those vibrations all the time.

The tunes are silent, invisible signals that flow through the air around you and vibrate in harmony with similar forks (people, situations) that are tuned in a similar way.

How Does It Express Itself?

This expresses itself in various ways. It begins with your attitude…is it positive or negative? Is it hopeful or hopeless? And so on.

It is to do with how you think. Is it orderly or is it messy? Do you jump quickly from subject to subject or are you thorough and strategic in your mind deliberations?…and so on.

It also expresses itself in your style of communication when you speak to another person or group of people, your words, tone of voice and body language will act as a tuning fork.

This is a very profound concept with life-changing potential!

Now, to get back to our opening question of what note would you calibrate to your pitch?

You have the choice of what signal you want to send, and as explained the signals are thoughts, attitudes, behavior patterns and…Actions!

Your “mind’s orchestra” attracts more sound according to the music it produces.

When you commit yourself internally to a thought or an idea and follow it up with an action, the intensity of your commitment increases the rate and quality of vibrations that you send out.

You then start to send vibrations that are picked up by others.

This principle is referred to by sayings such as: ” birds of a feather flock together”, ” it takes one to know one”, “tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are” and so forth.

Wherever we direct our life force, which manifests by how we think, what we contemplate, the yearnings and passions of our mind, is where we will fetch our next intelligence from.

This may sound like science fiction but, indeed, in this journey, you are the captain of your own Starship Enterprise.

The paradigm shift in thinking is that this determines success and failure more than any other aspect

Leadership Training Courses & Management Training Courses

The Thinking Coach teaches the Tuning Fork Principle and its practical applications to redefine what is a win and what is a success at the corporate level.

So to recap, getting a grip on what change is about is essential for change management to be effective, and this natural principle is a powerful guiding post that can get you over the hump in many aspects.

This is, indeed, the paradigm shift in thinking in these conductive and changing times where literally, you can change the world in the next 10 seconds with a new idea.

What is the power of positive thinking

Eli Harari

The Life Coach for Professionals™



  1. Tara

    There is a lot to think about in this post. That is very interesting about the music tuning fork example and vibrating in unison when 2 forks are tuned to the same pitch. This is definitely an interesting thought about change management and that we too send out these vibrations in finding people with similar hobbies and ideas. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Eli

      Thanks, Tara for dropping by and leaving a comment, the tuning fork example is very true to life in more ways than we think.
      Glad that you enjoyed the thinking challenge this article offers.
      All the best – Eli

  2. Annie Collyer

    Hi Eli…I never thought of the Law of Attraction as a tuning fork…what a great concept. I love the idea of our lives being an orchestra that produces change and brings results.

    Very good post…thank you.


  3. Fred

    This is a great post and very well said. The Tuning Fork effect makes common sense like-minded people flock together. You’ve heard the saying put everybody in a bag and shake it and they will all fall out the same hole. Wrong Birds of the same feather flock together they will follow each other. I like the Tuning Fork effect because it is true and I like your article.

  4. Anita

    What an interesting concept! We do all send out vibrations all the time. I can see where training yourself to send out certain vibrations in differing situations to attract the outcome you desire could be useful, not only in business, but also in life.

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