The Power Of Now – 7 Steps To Connect
The Power Of Now – 7 Steps To Connect

The Power Of Now – 7 Steps To Connect

We are now experiencing times where we are forced to be in the power of “now” every day. The Now has become a new state of affairs and we are all struggling to adapt.

What Is In It For You?

When you understand what it means to be in the Power of Now you will have more control.

You will feel calmer and better able to make creative and intuitively right decisions.

You will be able to re-connect and re-focus on your purpose and act accordingly on decisions, projects, situations, and many more attributes.

Being connected to your power of now is a key element to a better and more balanced life.

This article is written to give you a better understanding of how to connect to it and how to think about it Now!.

The Power Of Now – A Special Insight At Times of Crisis

We are all dealing with a highly-contagious virus that, seemingly, came out of nowhere and changed our lives over-night.

This is the time to understand what the power of now is and how to connect to it.

When you consider the now with open eyes and mind. Consider it with a healthy fear that results in intelligent caution.

You start to connect to the power of now, and although our situation seems, at moments, difficult, challenging, and threatening there’s a silver lining.

That silver lining can be seen and felt when one is connected to the power of now.

It is to be able to adapt to a new circumstance and grow by resisting the temptation to think and feel like a victim.

It is to strengthen by resistance to mass hysteria and panic.

And instead find the better part of us, to prove to ourselves that we are much better than we think we are mentally and emotionally.

That’s when the power of now begins to be felt.

How It The Power Of Now Being Seen & Felt

Ever since this pandemic started the power of now is being demonstrated in many different ways.

Unfortunately, not by “so-called” leaders and politicians as they seem to sink further into their own self-made hell by putting themselves first and the needs of the people they lead, last.

The power of now can never join that!

Instead, the power of now joins ordinary people who rise to the needs of the occasion and put themselves, their safety, and their well being last to facilitate the needs of others.

It’s a demonstration of courage, generosity, and compassion that gives hope to the human race.

To join the power of now means to be creative, alive, thankful, and even happy.

Families are learning what it means to be together and are discovering the simple joys of life such as going to nature and connecting to the beauty of spring with gratitude and appreciation.

That and much more is what the power of now is about.

If you are cynical about it all and you are all concerned just about yourself, realize that you may be missing a great opportunity.

Yes, a great opportunity to step out of your self-made prison into the liberation of the power of now.

The Power of Now – Overview

the power of now

Ekhart Tolle wrote the bestseller “The Power Of Now” and attracted a wide-range interest to this phrase.

In this article, I am going to offer another way to understand “The Power Of Now”, which has many levels of understanding that resonate with every person, including professionals who face daily changes in a rigorous business environment.

These days of the Corona Virus it all about the business of life and some professionals need to deal with more challenges than ever before.

The ability to be fully aware of “the now”, change according to its needs, be responsive to what is needed, become efficient, stay balanced, and cool under pressure are all aspects of the power of now!

It expresses itself in the ordinary functions of living such as being conscious of the way you talk or walk, eat…anything, and everything.

It begins there.

The power of now is not to overpower others, it is about harnessing your own power and “being more of you” by being present in each and every moment.

It’s a series of moments of small victories that amount to an ever-growing success.

The ability to be fully present at the moment is indeed a special human ability that is a game-changer in a person’s quest for success.

The Energy Of The Now

It’s all about being energized. Yesterday happened and tomorrow hasn’t yet, but now is alive, and, therefore is the most powerful time.

Thus, to be in the now is to be empowered and connect to the power of now.

The Power of Now‘The example we can all relate to when two people who are attracted to each other meet for the first time.

This is when the power of now is most obvious, free of the past, or from future expectations.

Did you know that you can develop that attitude to be that way about everything?

Consciousness – The Main Pathway to Intelligent Choice

When we are conscious it is easier to make choices because we see more, can evaluate more, and bring to bear effective thinking and emotional intelligence which are vital ingredients of the power of now.

We make many choices all the time.

Most are automatic choices that come from our past and we simply repeat without thinking.

Making choices from the consciousness of the now has much more power.

I engage in many simple exercises, which are designed to put me in a conscious state of mind.

For example, I will change between hands when I shave or brush my teeth or deliberately put money somewhere for someone to find without staying there, or put a few pennies less gas than what I paid for.

It is amazing what impact such trivial things have upon consciousness, choice, decision making and ultimately connecting to the power of now.

Mentally it works as well.

For example, you get a new idea, your choice is whether to put it to practices immediately or have it enter your own “waiting list”.

If you decide to do it, there and then, it will have much more power than if you do it after a week.

The ability to put a new idea to practice immediately uses the power of now. Very often if ideas are not acted upon immediately they lose their power.



Doing What Needs To Be Done – Key To The Power of Now

There’s a definition of Self- Discipline that is the most accurate which for me has been a guiding light and a way to connect to the power of now for many years – “the ability to do what needs to be done at the time it needs to be done whether you like doing it or not”

This definition says it all.

To be in the now requires self-discipline, which means you being there fully, reading correctly what’s needed, doing things when they are needed to be done, which means having the exact timing that the need indicates.

All this without letting your views, ideas, and opinions take over and control your mind and actions according to your past performance, comfort zone conditions, timing, or priorities.

That’s consciousness, that’s choice and that’s the power of now.

What Went Wrong?

Unfortunately, most adults tend to talk about what was and what will be but seldom do they live in the now.

For most adults, the TV News is the Now, and they preoccupy themselves with what the media chooses to feed them, which then they regurgitate and form views and opinions without realizing that their mind has been ambushed.

Children live the now, while adults talk about it, read books about it, go for psychological treatments to be able to let go of their past, have to learn how to think and understand the Now, meditate on it and other such ancillary features that seldom get the job done.

Very Common  Mistake Adults Make

The insatiable appetite adults have to understand things separates them from the Now.

Trying to explain the now according to past experience is a mistake because you try to fit a known to an unknown

Therefore, it is a much better proposition to avoid jumping early to conclusions about what we think is happening and instead develop the “art of neutrality” that let the moment live.

The Now needs to be lived not explained!


Are We Only Creatures of Habits (the past)?

the power of now


Only you can answer that question about you.

However, most people have No vacancy Sign to the power of now. 

After over 25 years of training experience globally, it is sad to say this is the state of affairs.

The Power of Now in Children

the power of now - children
Image source – Wallpaper Flare

Obviously, to connect to The Power Of Now it requires a will to live that can be seen in children.

Observe and learn, they are ‘ALL In’ the power of now.

You can see it in their eyes, their total focus in what they do, in the energy of trying without conditions that they have.

It’s all there.

With children or better put “how we used to be” you can catch the power of now.

Because it’s in you, in me, in everyone.

So you don’t need to learn it. You need to CONNECT to it.

All children have that until we become adults and are the result of a very defunct system of education that “educates” people with their own psychologies and fears and we gradually depart from being fully engaged at the moment.

What Is “Now” About?

the power of now

The only thing there is, IS the Now. It’s straightforward, but to our overburdened 21st-century mind it seems confusing.

There is The Now and there is What You Make Your Now To Be.

They are often different.

To be in The Now is to open yourself to what is happening at that moment.

Being in that moment without preconditions or bias while adapting to the needs of the moment.

The power of now is your true power when you are empty of wants, wishes, desires, expectations, and all the other things that can fill you up.

You are with you at the moment and that is a powerful thing.

The best you can ever be is You.

Think About What You Think – Podcast The Power of Now! Leadership Thinking

How To Connect To The Power Of Now – The 7 Steps

  1. Try to adapt to the view that success is to be fully engaged and conscious of the now.
  2. Make a choice to be with the now forever
  3. Learn To Expand Your Success To Occupy Every Now. Treat every moment with importance and you give it your “all”. You are in the Now and you will feel The Power Of Now.
  4. Adapt the “plus 1” system. This means every day do a little more to connect to the power of now by deliberately resisting your habits.
  5. Try not to have an agenda about everything. Free yourself from wanting things all the time. Most people are not connected to the Power Of Now. That is because they are full of what they want, which is usually formed in the past or by influence from outside.
    In a sense, this is suggesting to you the opposite of everything you have ever been taught. That is if you want to be in the power of now.
  6. Learn and adapt the above definition of self-discipline and become its expression in everything that you do.
  7. Watch, observe, and learn from children. They are the future by being in the now and can reconnect you to the power of now.

Key Takeaways

What is the power of now

Connecting to the power of now is a package deal that connects many skills together.

Skills such as the power of positive thinking, emotional intelligence, strategic thinking, teamwork, self-leadership, and others.

Decide to care,  to enjoy work, to enjoy the people you are with, and become a proficient team player.

You will be taking responsibility when needed.

Most importantly, you will be able to be 10/10 with your efforts as a state of mind.

All of the above constitutes the power of now which are taught extensively in my leadership courses.

When that power connects to you you will know and others will know as well. Although they might not know to call it The Power Of Now.

The above article attempts to describe the pathways that lead to that powerful connection.

What is the power of positive thinking

Eli Harari

The Life Coach for Professionals™





  1. Khalid Elezabi

    This is by far the best article I have read this week!
    I really like how you broke things down until I got my answer to the question what is the power of now!
    Sometimes I wish to go back in time and be a child again to live the now rather than just talking about it.

  2. Aaron

    Hey Eli, I really enjoyed reading your post. I think it is super important to live more in the moment than in the future or past. Also, humans are the only animal that does that. I think it releases a lot of stress not thinking so much about tomorrow or yesterday and gives you the opportunity to enjoy the moment. Really great post. Gonna come back here. 🙂

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